Passports, Visas and Immigration
Whenever arriving in Vietnam you will have to hold a legitimate Passport with about 6 months validity.
In most cases you'll want to arrange your Vietnam visa if your wanting to travel at an Embassy in your country of beginning. You should allow 5 business days for processing. A 30 time visa prices between 65USD - 85USD or even more with regards to the Embassy in which you apply.
You can't get a ‘visa on arrival’ at any land edges or airfields in Vietnam. Nevertheless can put on for a Visa Authority on the internet and then process your visa on arrival. This solution isn't offered at all-land boundaries therefore you should look at your access point before applying for a Visa Authority.
If you're showing up with a Visa Authority you will need to ensure you have actually printed 2 copies and have passport photos with you. The Visa Authority costs 25USD on the internet and it costs another 45USD for your visa whenever you arrive.
Time Distinction
Each of Vietnam is in the exact same time area seven hours ahead of Greenwich meantime (GMT+7). There's no daylight savings which means you don’t need to worry about altering your clocks around. Cambodia, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam are all in identical time area.
Vietnam is comparable to the remainder of south-east Asia and experiences a hot and humid exotic environment with two distinct months, damp and dried out. The timing for these months relies on which the main nation in come in, north, main or south. Central Vietnam also offers a yearly Typhoon period in October/November. Conditions differ through the country including 5-10C when you look at the north in December to 36-38C when you look at the south in April.
The state currency in Vietnam is Dong (VND). 1USD = 22, 000VND. Many vendors is only going to accept Dong. When you look at the bigger towns and cities USD is accepted but you will constantly loose on the change price. ATMs only concern VND.
Expect you'll be continuously hassled in Vietnamese areas and haggle aggressively if you prefer a good cost. As a general rule provide a vendor one half what they are asking for and bargain up after that.
All big Vietnamese cities currently have western design Malls and Supermarkets and you will buy most of the items you will get back. It will always be a collection price within these areas, no bargaining.
Travel Insurance
You must have legitimate travel cover to travel with Stray Asia.
Before going to Vietnam you should see a vacation doctor for quality health advice (we would like one to be healthy and revel in your journey with us). There are lots of diseases within exotic climates being sent by mosquitoes. You'll be able to get dengue temperature and malaria (remote countryside) from mosquitoes so we suggest you carry some strong (>30per cent) pest repellent.