A Participatory Review and testing for the Legal and personal Environment for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Persons and Civil Society
This report provides a synopsis of LGBT legal rights in Viet Nam as relevant speciacally to employment; education; medical care; household matters; the media; policies, legal rights and rules; and community. The report provides a synopsis of LGBT record in Viet Nam, product reviews recent improvements and includes key approaches for improving the legal rights of LGBT folks through plan advocacy, help solutions, media representation and analysis. The report also explores business development and capacity-building whilst pertains to the LGBT community as well as other key stakeholders in the region of LGBT legal rights.
This country report could be the product of a broader effort entitled ‘Being LGBT in Asia: A Participatory Evaluation and research associated with the Legal and Social Environment for LGBT people and Civil community.’ Established on Human Rights Day, 10 December 2012, ‘Being LGBT in Asia’ is a first-of-its-kind Asia-wide learning effort undertaken with Asian grassroots LGBT companies and community frontrunners alongside UNDP and USAID. With a focus on eight priority nations – Cambodia, Asia, Indonesia, Mongolia, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam – the time and effort examines LGBT lived experience from a development and liberties viewpoint.
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